August 2020

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The Critical Role of Prototyping in Software Application Development

Companies often start working on vague ideas and spend months and years developing an application, only to know that it is not serving any purpose or does not function as expected. All the effort, money, and time they put into developing the software application goes in vain. Such situations can be avoided if companies prepare…

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Top Considerations for Mobile App Development 

Mobile applications have seen a tremendous evolution since their inception.  You name a task, and you have an app for assisting you. That also means that people are becoming more tech-friendly and spending more time on mobile applications than before. Owing to COVID-19 situations, when social distancing is mandatory, mobile apps are more in demand. …

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Why I Am A Big Fan of Decentralized Decision-Making

Organizational structures have moved from hierarchical models to flatter and more egalitarian structures to respond to the demands of today’s fast-paced business environment.  The competitive business landscape has also compelled organizations to deliver value in the shortest sustainable lead-time. While centralizing decision-making might seem like a good way to have greater ‘control’ over actions, unfortunately,…

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Weighing the Pros and Cons of Using Open Source Tools

Every year we are witnessing the investments in open source technology propelled to new heights.  A major trend being recently spotted is the acquisition of several top open source tools and platforms by veteran tech companies like the acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft and Red Hat by IBM.  These tech titans insist on having these…

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7 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need to Invest in an ERP Solution

Businesses, either small or big, have one thing in common. They all involve managing at once the multiple aspects of a business process. For example, managing a manufacturing or distribution business involves taking care of production planning, procurement, inventory management, order fulfillment, and shipping. To maintain and align these complex processes across an enterprise, one…

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